Monday, September 22, 2014

Rochester Marathon

Yesterday, I participated in Rochester Marathon, which was my second marathon.  Even though, I didn't complete all of my goals for it (I had 3 in mind, 1. finished, 2. finish in under 4:10:00, 3. ultimate goal sub - 4 hours), I'm happy with the finish and the time for today.  When I finished the Buffalo Marathon in May, I didn't think that I want to participate in another marathon for a while and yet 2 weeks later I started training for the Rochester Marathon.  I ended up having a total of 17 weeks between marathons.  Training for a Fall Marathon in the heat of the summer prove to be very difficult and extremely frustrating at times especially on long runs.  I'm very thankful for the running groups that I'm a part of to keep me motivated as well as having someone to run with on long runs.  Huge thanks goes to Bill for crewing for me on my long runs because I really don't know if I would have made it on a couple of them without him.  I did have a minor setback towards the end of my training and I really have no one to blame but, myself.  I knew that we had a trip planned to Virginia and I knew that I probably should have done my long run before we went down there but, I figured that I motivated enough to set on track no matter what unfortunately, it wasn't the case and instead of getting the mileage I should have, I settled for a 6 mile run as my long run for that week.  I had a difficult re-adjusting to the elevation change once we got back so basically the last week of August and first week of September were very difficult part of training and really made me question whether or not I was really ready for another marathon.

On Friday afternoon/early evening, I took MacKenna and WES with me to get my packet from Fleet Feet in Rochester.  MacKenna as always had about 20 million questions, WES was interested in the course map and I explained to them where they would be meeting me during the race and then again at the finish line. 
Saturday, I did a shake out type run to basically calm my nerves and I had learned from Buffalo that I needed to run the day before the race in order not to go out too fast.
Sunday, the day of the marathon had arrived.  16 weeks of training and now it was time to race.  I say I was nervous would be a lie because I always get nervous before a race but, this time it wasn't as bad.

The gun for the race went off, I made my way over the start line, I wasn't rushing like I normally do because I kept telling myself that it was just long run and stick to the ratio and I will be fine.  I went out in 9:06 pace, which for me in "race mode" (as Bill puts) was conservative for me.  At 5.5 miles up through mile 7.25 was a steady climb then it was downhill until mile 9, where there was another uphill climb that lasted until mile 13, hardest part was from mile 9 to mile 10.5 at which my body wasn't liking it but, I reminded myself the Bill and the kids would meeting at mile 13.5 to switch out my water bottles.  When I reminded myself of that I got a little emotionally because at the point my average pace was 9:08 meaning that I was on my way to reach my ultimate goal of sub - 4 hours in my 2nd marathon.  I continued on with my run 4 mins and jog/walk 30 secs, which I felt like I could really maintain for the entire race.  I pass through the second relay stop seeing some of Rochester MRTT mamas, who cheered me on and said I was looking amazing, I finally got where Bill and the kids were we trade off my bottles and as I ran away from them I got a little emotionally knowing that it was first time that the kids really were getting to see mommy in the thick of race and how much time that I spend away from them to do my training and hoping that it inspires them to never give up even when you like it would be easier thing to do.  I was feeling great and still maintaining my pace/speed that I wanted until about mile 21 because there was a climb that started just before mile 17 and ended mile 21 at which my doubt in my head was telling me that "you know your body is tired and you are wet from the rain, this isn't worth the pain you are going to be in later."  So, I let my head get in the way, which unfortunately cause to me to slow my pace/speed by quite a bit, I went from maintaining a 9:08 to 9:10 pace down to 9:14 then pace down 9:23 (which up being overall pace for the race).  I went from run 4 and jog/walk 30 secs to run 3:30 mins and walk 1 minute, which I was very upset with myself and beating myself over it.  It wasn't until mile 24, which I was get it back together and telling my doubt in my head that I trained too hard for this give up my goal now.  Then I started picking up the pace again, went back to run 4 mins and walk 30 secs even though, my doubt kept trying to get me to listen to it, my determination to finish under 4:10:00 was winning the battle, then hit mile 25 and last water stop and hearing them say you only got 1.2 miles left, my body was like lets get this done and I got this.  Again, I started to pick up the pace knowing that 1.2 miles was easy and I could do it.  Hit mile 26, and heard someone only 2 blocks left (ie just around the corner) and again my body was like get it done.  I rounded corner and heard the cheers for me, hear my name being announced as spotted Bill and the kids, all I wanted to was cry.  I crossed the finish line and went to get my medal and realizing that I missed out on my sub 4 hour goal but, I finished in 4:06:53 (chip time) and that was pretty amazing for my second marathon in a year.  I found afterwards that I was 7th of 32 for my age group and I finished 182th out of 543 finisher.

Summer in a nutshell

It has been a crazy summer to say the least, between homeschooling, races, trip to Virginia for a wedding, and Bill starting a new job with the union.
  • Started up with homeschooling for MacKenna and Scott
  • I continued my training for my 2nd marathon as well as running streak
  • MacKenna and I participated in Color Run with our friends Nicky and Mikey
  • Bill, Nicky, and I participated in our first 10K at the end of the month, which I took 1st place for age group 

  • Did some tough long runs with my friend Tara and thanks Bill/the kids for crewing for us
  • Continued with homeschooling 
  • Traveled to Virginia for Scott and Vicki's wedding

  • Continued with homeschooling
  • WES went back to his BOCES program 
  • I completed my second marathon

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Last 6 Months

In the last 6 months, I have ran a total 632.52 miles, my goal was to reach a 1000 miles like I did last year. Needless to say I may need to adjust that goal, which I'm just in awe because I have a lot of first this year thus far.  I have broke a 7:40 mile, 26:00 5K, run at 4:20 in the morning, run 9:30 at night (due to the heat and humidity), and biggest accomplishment to date is completing a marathon.  I know that I wouldn't have been able to accomplish a lot of these goals with love and support from my husband, who throughout my marathon training especially the long runs would send me text messages for encouragement, would come and get me (when I did point to point routes), would run crew with the kids (when I did a run in warmer weather than expected that day).  Running has allowed me make positive change in not only myself but, my kids especially MacKenna who now is wants to run with me on my shorter runs (2 miles or less), has asked about doing 5Ks and has that she wants to run a marathon some day.

Heat vs. Cold Running

Since January this year, I have ran in degrees that were below freezing and now temperatures that have in close to 90, the temperatures that below freezing weren't too bad as long as wind chill was above 0 degrees and even the hotter temperatures haven't been as long as there is a slight breeze and humidity is below 50%.  Thus far, late spring/early summer has been very warm and definitely am learning that I have to adjust my speed/pace whether or not I want.
Here is a good chart for running in the heat:

Pace adjustments for heat and humidity:
On the flip side of things,
How the Cold & Windchill on Running Outside:

Heel Lock Lacing

I thought that I would post a step by step guide for heal lock lacing.  I know for me, I have a narrow heel but a wider forefoot so, my heels tend to blister due to sliding and rubbing against the back of the shoe.
Going from left to right for the pictures:
Picture #1 and #2 - are how the shoe was originally laced (these are Newton Distance U, amazing shoes for short distances - anything less than 4 miles).
Picture #3 - I unlaced the top two holes
Picture #4 - I took the lace and looped into the furthest hole first
Picture #5 - I looped the lace back through the front hole
Picture #6 - you can see the once the laces are looped under the "lock" part of the lacing
Picture #7 - once you tighten up your laces and tie them you should tighter at opening (top of the tongue of the shoe), which should help with your feet from sliding or rubbing against the back of your shoes.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cross training/circuit training

My current crosstraining/circuit training plan, I do include weights for some activities, which has some crossfit stuff in it:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Heading into week 5 of marathon training #2

I have completed 4 weeks of training for my second marathon and things definitely feel different this time already.

  • I'm running my long runs much much earlier in the morning since it is summertime that's a must to beat the heat and humidity.

  •  I'm running everyday plus cross training 3 days a week, no slacking this time like the first time around.

  • On my short runs (2 miles or less) my daughter (in particular) is running with me, which means I run at her pace and help her work on form and techniques, which in return helps me with my form and techniques because I'm force to think about how I'm running in order to teach her properly.

  • Playing around the run/walk ratio to find what is going to work for the longer distances and still amazed that my pace has increased on every long run no matter where I'm in my monthly cycle.
  • Helping/kind of coaching my husband and one of my friends has really help me enjoy running more because I get to be apart of their journey in training for their 1st half marathon.
  • Finding shoes now that I have lost 14 lbs has been a challenge but, know it is necessary.
  • The balance of training, homeschooling, working, and being wife/mom will always be a juggling act but, this time around seems to be a little easier and I honestly believe because I'm involving the kids into the training.
  • Still trying to figure out the nutrition piece of the puzzle, definitely have been better about it.  I know that 2 days before a long run, I like to eat red meat with potatoes and streamed green veggies, the night before a long run I like to eat a chicken stir fry meal (boiled/shredded chicken, cooked rice, sweet/green peppers, mushrooms, onions, minced garlic, and topped with honey mustard dressing). 
  • Hydrating is so important but, the right hydration too.  For long runs it is one 10.5 oz bottle of water and one 10.5 oz bottle of watered down Gatorade.
  • Knowing that this training plan is shorter by 2 weeks worried me at the beginning but now, that I'm on week 5 I'm ok with it because I know my body is capable of it.
  • Sleep well 2 nights before a long run seems to be more important than night before the long run.
  • Adding different surfaces/type of workouts that were out of my comfort zone this time (ie groomed trails, track, hills, speed work, etc).
  • Stretching before and after runs are my friend
  • Epsom salt baths and foam roller are my friends after long runs
  • Reflecting back each week to see what worked and what didn't make adjustments for the next week.

Friday, June 6, 2014

finished with 1st grade

As of this morning, lil miss finished all of the curriculum that needed to cover for 1st grade.  The last 6 months has definitely had it ups and downs with lots of struggles because we were locked into certain timeline to cover curriculum that I really questioned daily.  Through some of the testing to see where she was for reading speed, reading comprehensive, and math comprehensive/abilities, I found that she is above average for reading comprehensive (86th percentile among 1st grade), reading speed is average (83 WCPM), and math comprehensive is above average (85th percentile).

Her abilities to apply the skills of reading as well as math in daily life has developed wonderfully over the last 6 months.  She is capable of reading at intermediate 2nd grade level with 75% comprehensive (which is about November benchmark in a public school).  Her spelling and grammar skills have vastly improved in the last 6 months.  She still struggles with her penmanship, which I have told her repeatedly that it will only improve with more practice.  We have decided to continue to homeschool at this point but, we are moving from 10 week marking periods to 12 week marking periods thus allowing us to homeschool year round as well as instruction time and more time for independent projects/writings/discoveries.  We are moving away from the Common Core Curriculum in that we feel that it in no way has benefit her or her education overall because it is expects young children to have abstract thinking skills without having concrete thinking skills mastered first.

I don't know what exactly how year is going to work quite yet but, we have a game plan and that's always the first step.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Days Following My Marathon

Knowing that I was going to start a running streak the day after my first full marathon did initially raise some red flags for me but, thankfully Bill suggested that I continued to move around (ie walk, stretch, etc) after the marathon on Sunday and as much as I just wanted to laid down go to sleep immediately after the race, I walked about 3 quarters to way to the van before I told that I really needed to stop and rest and to please go get the van.  After we got back to the hotel room, I told a fairly quick shower, put my compression socks on, we finished packing up everything up and headed back to Victor to get the kids from my dad & stepmom's house.  The ride there I kept my legs elevated as much as possible with being a vehicle, we stopped at rest stop to use the bathroom and get water, then after we got off the Thurway we stopped for pizza because I really wanted pizza and beer (didn't drink the beer until later though).  Got to my dad and stepmom's house, where we relaxed for a little bit, again I was moving around slowly and when I was sitting I had my legs elevated.  Our daughter got to watch the video of me crossing the finish line and thought it was awesome and amazing that her mommy completed a marathon and asked when could she run a 5K or kids' race again.  Packed them up and headed home, once home my body started feeling a tight and sore so, I took a Epsom salt bath for about 20 - 30 minutes, which definitely helped me because it loosen up muscles as well as soreness started to go away.  We ate dinner, kids went to bed, I fell asleep on the couch for a short time and Bill woke me up to go to bed.
I got the following day around 5 am because I was going to meeting up with some of MRTT mamas for short run to start the Memorial Day to Labor Day running streak.  I was expecting for my muscles to sore, tender, and tight but, surprisingly they weren't and I truly believe that because I use the run/walk method in my race the lactic acid didn't build up like it would have otherwise.  Plus, between continuing to move around, Epsom salt bath, stretching, and the compression socks/sleeves (I slept with sleeves on my calves).  So, I met up with the MRTT mamas, they were surprised that I was willing to attempt to run and what not, they allowed walking breaks because I didn't want to push it knowing it was day after.  I did 2.27 miles with them and then continued on with their run and I was satisfied with the short run.  Came home started pushing the water, carbs, and protein for food/drink as well as doing other household chores and continuing stretch and move slowly as needed.
Tuesday morning, my body was feeling a little sore, tender, tight than Monday morning but, again I stretch continued to move around slowly pushed the fluids.  Tuesday afternoon, I was feeling a bit tired so I was listening to my body when I went for my run in take slow and easy, which I did.  Stretched after the run and pushed the fluids until bedtimes.
Wednesday morning, my body was feeling back to normal, no soreness anymore, I still felt like I should stretch and pushed the fluids to help, just in case.  I decided that I was only to try to do a mile run because I'm still in my recovery week and I don't want to push it too far too quick.  I ended up doing 1.26 miles in 11:12 (8:55 pace), my body felt good so I went with it.
Today, I'm day 4 of my running streak and I do feel a bit tired this morning so, I'm listening to my body in that I will do a slow and easy 1 mile run this afternoon plus, some stretching and Epsom salt bath before bed tonight.
The biggest things I'm learning or have learned thus far, that in the end it is my journey ever changing as it, listening my body, knowing my cycle (keeping a journal about it), and stretching.  Would I suggest this method to everyone, absolutely NOT but, it is working for me and I own that.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Marathon Day!

My day started at 4:15 this morning and feel good even though, I knew that I was entering into the part of my cycle that tends to make a bit more to run. I had breakfast (oatmeal, banana, cranberries, and almond milk) as well as some coffee and vitamins then got dressed.  We the hotel around 5:45 we thought that would be early enough not so much though, we got to the Convention Center at 6:30 due to the traffic.  Met up with one of following Rochester MRTT mamas and her sister for some pictures.  Walked up the started area, gave Bill a kiss and a kiss for luck, enter the race start by 6:50, it was very, very crowded because half marathon, marathon, and marathon relay were all starting together at 7 am.  At 7 am, the gun went off but, it was so crowded that it took 3 mins 16 seconds before I crossed the start line so, at 7:03 I was off for my first marathon.  At 6.2 miles I tweeted that I finished 10K and I took some Hammer Gel.  For first 10 miles or so, I enjoyed reading the signs listening to the cheers, I felt great.  We were the shoreline and there was a camera for the runners to smile, cheer, whatever it was livestream cast, which was awesome!  I must have really caught up in the excitement around the 13 miles because I missed about half of my walk time for walk interval figured, it would be fine to just take 30 seconds of walking.  Still feeling great and really enjoying the entire atmosphere of the race it was electric and I love it.  Around 15 mile, I thought maybe I should grab the BioFreeze or Gatorade or some water (I didn't realize how low I was starting to run on water) but, decided that I would be ok because it was just starting to feel warm so, I thought I would be fine.  Around mile 17 when we were entering Delaware Park there was no shade and the sun was fully out so, was definitely starting to feel warm out. Then being the sun and bit of heat for mile, mile 18 I started feeling my body to slowdown by then mile 19 my body was really started to drained.  I took a piece of my waffle and finished up my last of water and most my Powerade.  From mile 19 to mile 20 it was downhill so, I let gravity do the work because my calves really starting to hurt.  I really slowed down at mile 21 & 22 and definitely starting feel like I wanted because between the heat, calves hurting, and my body just feeling like it wanted to really finish.  So, I changed up the walk/run ratio from mile 22 to 23 and do a lot of self talking saying, "I know you are getting body, I know you think you want to quit but, you have come this month to quit now because want kind of example would be setting for the kids if give up now.  You are stronger to make it through, so what it is a rough spot, just keep moving, you got this, so get it done.  There was a water station at mile 23, they had a sign saying, "you only got 3.2 miles left, you got this!"  I took the Gatorade and water, drank both and I told myself, " you know what you do got this so get it done."  So, mile 23 to the finish, I got back on track for the 9:1 (run/walk) ratio, saw people handing beer along the last 3.2 miles, there were sprinkler at the next water station and I again I took both the water and Gatorade, which definitely help.  I finally saw the sign for mile 26, I could feel myself fill up with tears because I knew I was almost there, I had to swallow the lump I was getting my throat (the one that some people get when they want to cry).  I rounded the corner and finally see the finish line and told myself, "give whatever you have left and finish hard."  Success, I crossed the finish line, pulled out my earbuds, got my medal, went over the the picture booth for the professional pictures and Bill took a picture too.  Finally found an opening in barricade to get to Bill, he gave me a hug and I started crying because I finally finished this marathon journey thanks to love and support from him, I was/am so grateful to experience this moment with him.  It took some efforts to getting back to the van due to the adrenaline rush that I kick in from mile 23 to finish when gone and I was very tired.  I told Bill that there will another one just not very soon and this my start point.  Thank you Bill and all of MRTT mamas as well as other friends and family for the love and support through this journey it has been amazing.

Here a map of the course:

Here are the split (using the 9:1 run/walk ratio):

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Training Time (as May 2014)

Here Training Times that I have been using to train for my first marathon as well as goal times for 2014:
I haven't done a lot of speed pace work, I'm hoping to do more of it after the marathon.  These are goal time that I hope to reach by the end of this year (not so much the marathon one due to it is my first marathon and I just want to finish).

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The marathon training journey is coming to a close

I finished my last long run this morning with some of MRTT mamas and they knew was my last long run so, they followed my run/walk ratio, which I absolutely appreciate.  We maintained 9:30 pace for 10 miles, which felt amazing because I felt relax and confident about doing the marathon now.  Knowing that I have a week and wake up before it, makes a little nervous but more so, I'm excited to do this.  Since January, I have ran almost 480 miles in training for this marathon.  I have changed my diet (limited my processed sugars); how much I hydrate before, during, after a run; I found tested out what kind of gels, chews, waffles, etc.; started cross training twice a day in order to strength my core; kept a running log; and have experience some minor set backs but, was able to adjust and move forward.  This coming week, I'm suppose to run 3 miles on Monday, 4 miles on Wednesday, 2 miles on Thursday, rest on Friday and Saturday, then finally the marathon starts at 7 am.

I'm so grateful for Bill and MRTT mamas in being so supportive, encouraging, and just simply awesome to help me mentally and physically prepare for this marathon because without all of them (especially Bill), I think I might have given up a couple months.

I think the biggest thing I have learned on this journey thus far, it is ok to be discouraged and have the moments of weakness when the voice in your head is screaming at you to stop and this isn't worth all of this but, also ok to tell THAT voice to sit, shut f$%k up, and believe that you got this.

So, I know that I will probably have a point in the marathon that I want to get up but, I will trust my training to this point and know that failure IS NOT an option, duct tape that negative voice in my head, keep telling myself that I'm strong, trust your training, and you've got this.  I don't know what my time will be when I cross that finish line but, I WILL cross that finish line knowing that I did everything that I possibly could to prepare for this.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Processed Sugar Challenged

At the beginning of April I decided that I wanted to see if changing my (processed) sugar intake really change my running, my overall measurements, and how I felt.  I started where I was attempting to keep my over sugar intake to 70g a day (first week), then starting the second week I went down 50g a day, which is where I have kept. After 21 days this is what the change was:

I haven't had much change in my arms or legs but, core/hips has decreased quite a bit.  Granted it hasn't been easy and last night I almost blew because I wanted to buy clearance Easter candy but, Bill reminder how hard I have worked to here and was it really worth undoing all of that work.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My 23 miler

I did my longest run to date this morning, it was amazingly surreal and peacefully.  The first 2 miles was a lot of hill work and thinking that maybe I planned my route poorly but, around 3 miles or so, I finally found my groove/my comfort pace.  Around 6.5 miles I was on county road 18 and hit some head wind and really hoping that it wasn't going to last, which is lasted until I hit 7 miles.  I started tweeting when I had 12.5 miles to go to let Bill and my other running friends know.  I was feeling amazing 13.1 and looked at my Garmin and was 2:02:16, which was only 16 seconds my PR record for half marathon that I did last fall.  About 16 miles I was heading into downtown Canandaigua and realize that I was still feeling pretty awesome.  I was on South Pearl Street in Canandaigua 18 miles and starting to feel tired but too bad.  I hit 19 miles on Outhouse Road in Canandaigua and started to feel emotional because it I was the first in my life that I ever run that in my life and I was proud of myself and thankful that I was able to do it.  At 20 miles that little voice in my head kept saying, "you know you are tired and you can quit now, there is no shame it."  I was able to kind of quite the voice by tweeting that I only had a 5K left.  Then at 22 miles, I hit that "the wall" and my head was roaring at me saying, "well you know it if you go this you would be done at your Nana's house, just that because this it isn't worth it."  At that I pretty much told my head, "shut hell up, it is only a mile and I got this! You are brave, you are worth it, just finish."  I finally got in front of my Nana/Papa's house and I realize that I miscalculated my .10 miles so, I run down to almost Mohawk Street and back to get the full 23 miles.  I got inside and my calves and feet hurt but the rest of me was just happy to finished.  My Nana insisted that I needed to eat but, I didn't want to eat, insisted that I needed to drink something that had sugar in it but, I really didn't want it.  I did end up drinking 8 oz of cranberry juice and it really did hit the spot, we chilled at my Nana and Papa's house for couple of hours.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Halfway point

I'm currently halfway through my marathon training and it amazes me that my body has changed as much as it has in such a short time.  Even my way of thinking of nutrition, strength training, cross training, resting, and just how I deal with the day to day.  Now I'm getting to the point where I'm looking at specific foods as my fuel for training versus giving into cravings.  Meal planning has become a much bigger part of training because I know that Thursdays and Fridays, I need to have more complex carbs and tend to have red meat in order to feel more fuel for my longer runs on Saturdays.  I drink about a gallon of water a day, which is something that I haven't done since I was breastfeeding.  In some aspects, running and breastfeeding are similar to each other in dealing with having the proper fuel.  I know that when I breastfed lil miss that red sauce was a no-no because she would break out and I would have a heartburn from it whereas, with lil man I couldn't have too dairy products because he would be fussy/gassy and so would I.  I have learned now that drinking regular milk does NOT sit well with my stomach or system overall so, having anything with too much milk in it isn't good for my training.  Green smoothies are awesome!  Strength/cross training is absolutely necessary, which I know that I did that in high school and college when I swam but, really cared or took the time to understand the importance of it until now.

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

1 1/2 cup of Almond milk or Soy milk or Rice milk (regular milk doesn't mix well)
1/2 cup of fresh fruit or frozen (ie mixed berry, mango, strawberries, pineapples, etc)
1 sliced banana
1/2 cup to 1 cup of fresh spinach

Place into a blender and mix until smooth.

If you choose to place into a freezer bag omit the milk until you are ready to mix in the blender.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Half/Full Marathons Plans

The two training plans.  The first one is for half marathon training:

The second one is for marathon training:

I have combined several different training plans/programs as well as my own experience to make up the half marathon plan.  With the marathon training plan I combined several different training plans, never increasing more than 15% a week for the mileage.  I have found after running 2 half marathons that having a long taper period doesn't well for me because I feel like I'm resting too much and then I feel winded during the race.  I'm at start of week 8 of the marathon training and so far, I really like this plan because I build up the mileage for 3 weeks and back off for a week, then start building up again.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

After our first month of homeschooling

We have made it through a month of homeschooling and we have definitely have faced some challenges but, overall we have been successful in most of her subjects.  She enjoys math, science, art, music, PE, some parts of reading/writing but, she has been struggling in social studies.  I think that biggest challenge that we struggle with daily is doing the "work" stuff before we do the "fun" stuff.  Her tantrums have gotten less but, the ones that she has very large and it is due to her thinking something "hard" or "difficult" to try and yet once she tries it, she realizes it isn't too "hard" or "difficult."  I'm still trying to find the balance working from home, training for a marathon, homeschooling, being a wife and mom, and caring for the house in general, which I'm so grateful to have a husband who is support and picks up the slack when he sees that I'm struggling at times.
As right now it is looking like will be finishing 1st grade work by the mid- to late April, which is awesome.

6 years

Yesterday was the 6th year Anniversary since my MIL passed away from stage 4 lung cancer.  I looked back over the time that I had her here and we definitely butted heads with each other but, it wasn't that of typically MIL and daughter-in-law relationship.  When Bill and I needed an opinion or were at odds with each other about something, she would listen to both sides then sometimes she would side with him (which I always said well she is just siding with him because it is her son) and sometimes would side with me.  I didn't truly appreciate it at the time when she came to live us when we were stationed in CA.  Look upon it now, I feel so grateful that she did that because it allowed me to continue to work, which is what was needed in that financial we weren't totally ready for him.  I remember being mad as hell at her for leaving when she did, I thought it wasn't fair and I didn't want to talk to her because of it.  Then we found that I was pregnant with MacKenna, she offered to come back because Bill was going to be deploying but, I was still kind of pissed at her so, I told her no, I have always wished that I would have let her back out to stay and help me with WES because I really didn't get to enjoy MacKenna's pregnancy or WES being a toddler due to being overwhelmed by Bill being deployed, being mom/dad to a special need toddler as well as being pregnant.  When she finally met MacKenna (Christmas time), it was amazing to see the bond that she with her and even though, WES had seen her since March (at that point he wasn't Dx with being on the Autism Spectrum, we knew something was wrong in that he hadn't speaking very much if at all), he went right up to her and hug/kiss her like no time had passed.  Even though, 6 years have passed since we said good bye to her, there isn't a day that doesn't go by that I don't wish she was here because I miss the relationship we had together and even though, her time so short with her grandchildren, she loved them so much and so proud to their grandmother.

In last few months looking/reflecting over the last 20 years (wow I feel a bit old to say that), I have accepted that I can't change what has happened, I understand that some people in my life will never accept me or be proud of me (that's ok because I accept me and proud of the person that I have become), that change is HARD, I'm grateful for the small things in my life, and I have let go of the past (I haven't forgotten it just not letting it control me anymore). 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Halfway through week #1

Half way through week #1 of homeschooling and I have learned that MacKenna doesn't like social studies or at least the current topic (we are currently learning about the Mayans). She loves art, is a whiz at math, is interested in science, and definitely thinks outside the box.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Our first day of home school

Day 1, Second Quarter (Jan. 6th):
  • From 8 - 9:30 am ELA domain 5.1A listening and learning “The Maya: A Harvest & Hurricane”
    • Discussed the vocabulary words
      • Hurricane, Harvest, Maize, Canoe, Shore
    • Looked at image of:
      • Hurricanes (from space and ground)
      • Maize
      • Canoes
      • Shorelines
  • From 9:30 - 10 am ELA domain 5.2A listening and learning “The Maya: Journey to Baakal”
    • Discussed the vocabulary words
      • Noiselessly, Plain, Temple, Thrilled
    • Completed about 60% of the domain before stopping due to MacKenna inability to remain focus
    • Broke at 10 am instead of going until 10:30 am due to MacKenna having a tantrum
  • From 10:30 - 11:00 am Watched 30 minute video on the Mayans and some history of Aztec
  • From 11:00 - 11:10 am Colored for 10 minutes
  • From 11:10 - 11:30 am Cleaned-up the dining room(classroom) and living room for lunch
  • From 11:30 - 12:30 pm Lunch
  • From 12:30 - 1:00 pm Free time/break time, MacKenna choose to color and draw
  • From  1:00  - 3:30 pm Spelling, grammar, reading, writing
  • From  3:30  - 4:00 pm Played a counting game with her brother

total time: 6.5 hours with an hour break

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Preparing to Homeschool

As of January 6th, MacKenna will be homeschool until we decide that going back to public school necessary.  It wasn't a decision that we lightly because NY state has a lot rules and regulations dealing with homeschooling.  We did involve MacKenna in the decision to do it because we didn't want her to feel like we were just making choices about her education without her.  So, for the last month I have been collecting/buying curriculum, workbooks, supplies to start this coming Monday.  Our dining room has turned into a classroom.
I have several workbooks for her to do busy work/practice work from.  I have downloaded the Common Core Curriculum as we will be following parts of it as to stay on the same that she was on for school so if/when she goes back she will have the same knowledge as her classmates.

2013 review

January, February, March -  were typically months with the exception of celebrating William's Birthday in February and my Birthday was in March but, I don't typically celebrate mine. 

April - Bill and I ran our first 5K of 2013, I PR'ed my time and we both did well overall.

May - William was evaluated by a behavioral developmental pedi and was Dx with Mood Disorder NOS as well as Asperger's.

June - Scott turned 3! MacKenna graduated from Kindergarten

July - Bill and I celebrated our 10 year Wedding Anniversary, we ran another 5K together, I ran my first half marathon, Bill ran another 5K.

August - wasn't quiet until the end of the month when William had a manic episode that last for 4 days, it was very scary to watch and knowing that there was little that we could do about it.  We ran 12K race as well.

September - William had a re-evaluated and was re-classified as Bi-polar disorder with Asperger's.  We ran a marathon relay, which was interesting.  The kids started school.

October - MacKenna turned 6!  I ran my second half marathon and PR'ed by 14 minutes, which was awesome!  Bill and I got to hang out with my some of my college team mates, which was fun.

November - I started a spiritual journey/renewal, realize that there things that I needed/wanted to change. We celebrated Thanksgiving by doing a family walk in Troy with my SIL, FIL, BIL, and their foster child, it was cool.  MacKenna told me after we finished that she thought she was ready for a 5K now.

December - Bill's Birthday but, we didn't celebrate it because we don't celebrate adult Birthdays in our house.  December was kind of crazy in getting for Christmas and dealing with business as well as making the decision to start homeschooling MacKenna, which I'm still very nervous but excited about.