Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Halfway point

I'm currently halfway through my marathon training and it amazes me that my body has changed as much as it has in such a short time.  Even my way of thinking of nutrition, strength training, cross training, resting, and just how I deal with the day to day.  Now I'm getting to the point where I'm looking at specific foods as my fuel for training versus giving into cravings.  Meal planning has become a much bigger part of training because I know that Thursdays and Fridays, I need to have more complex carbs and tend to have red meat in order to feel more fuel for my longer runs on Saturdays.  I drink about a gallon of water a day, which is something that I haven't done since I was breastfeeding.  In some aspects, running and breastfeeding are similar to each other in dealing with having the proper fuel.  I know that when I breastfed lil miss that red sauce was a no-no because she would break out and I would have a heartburn from it whereas, with lil man I couldn't have too dairy products because he would be fussy/gassy and so would I.  I have learned now that drinking regular milk does NOT sit well with my stomach or system overall so, having anything with too much milk in it isn't good for my training.  Green smoothies are awesome!  Strength/cross training is absolutely necessary, which I know that I did that in high school and college when I swam but, really cared or took the time to understand the importance of it until now.

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