Monday, September 22, 2014

Summer in a nutshell

It has been a crazy summer to say the least, between homeschooling, races, trip to Virginia for a wedding, and Bill starting a new job with the union.
  • Started up with homeschooling for MacKenna and Scott
  • I continued my training for my 2nd marathon as well as running streak
  • MacKenna and I participated in Color Run with our friends Nicky and Mikey
  • Bill, Nicky, and I participated in our first 10K at the end of the month, which I took 1st place for age group 

  • Did some tough long runs with my friend Tara and thanks Bill/the kids for crewing for us
  • Continued with homeschooling 
  • Traveled to Virginia for Scott and Vicki's wedding

  • Continued with homeschooling
  • WES went back to his BOCES program 
  • I completed my second marathon

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