Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Last 6 Months

In the last 6 months, I have ran a total 632.52 miles, my goal was to reach a 1000 miles like I did last year. Needless to say I may need to adjust that goal, which I'm just in awe because I have a lot of first this year thus far.  I have broke a 7:40 mile, 26:00 5K, run at 4:20 in the morning, run 9:30 at night (due to the heat and humidity), and biggest accomplishment to date is completing a marathon.  I know that I wouldn't have been able to accomplish a lot of these goals with love and support from my husband, who throughout my marathon training especially the long runs would send me text messages for encouragement, would come and get me (when I did point to point routes), would run crew with the kids (when I did a run in warmer weather than expected that day).  Running has allowed me make positive change in not only myself but, my kids especially MacKenna who now is wants to run with me on my shorter runs (2 miles or less), has asked about doing 5Ks and has that she wants to run a marathon some day.

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