Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Heel Lock Lacing

I thought that I would post a step by step guide for heal lock lacing.  I know for me, I have a narrow heel but a wider forefoot so, my heels tend to blister due to sliding and rubbing against the back of the shoe.
Going from left to right for the pictures:
Picture #1 and #2 - are how the shoe was originally laced (these are Newton Distance U, amazing shoes for short distances - anything less than 4 miles).
Picture #3 - I unlaced the top two holes
Picture #4 - I took the lace and looped into the furthest hole first
Picture #5 - I looped the lace back through the front hole
Picture #6 - you can see the once the laces are looped under the "lock" part of the lacing
Picture #7 - once you tighten up your laces and tie them you should tighter at opening (top of the tongue of the shoe), which should help with your feet from sliding or rubbing against the back of your shoes.

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