Monday, July 22, 2013

Shoreline Festival & Jungle Jog

This past was very busy one, on Saturday I ran my 1st half marathon and on Sunday Bill ran the Jungle Jog.  I definitely went through a roller coaster of feelings/emotions during my race and I'm very happy/feeling accomplished by finishing it.  I have started to pick apart the race, which is the competitor in me so, I know what to do differently next time, I need to strengthen my core (abs and back), work on keeping a more even pace, have a fully charged phone (mine died at 12.17 miles so, the last mile was very difficult in that I had no idea what my pace), do more hill workouts, and biggest one is learning to sprint the last 3/4 miles no matter what.  I met 2 of my goals for the race and that was to finish and finish under 2:20:00, I finished at 2:16:11 with my average pace being 10:24.   We are looking to do a Marathon Relay together in September, which I'm still in awe that Bill wanted to do some like that. On Sunday was Bill's race and even though, he wasn't happy with the time, he did run the entire race, which is so awesome for him and I'm so proud of him.  Here are the collages from this weekend (plus our bibs from other races):

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