So, this week is my spring break from college, which isn't really a break because I'm on call for 3 shifts on top of my regular shifts, study for an exam once we come back from break, 3 papers that are due within the next couple of weeks, ATI assessments due, clinical paperwork, making a Senior Ball dress for my daughter, trying to plan for life in the next 3+ months with Bubba's graduations, Senior Balls, Lil Miss' track meets, Junior Prom, and possible Marching Band, Lil Man's track meets, while still going to school and working full time.
I'm not going to lie and say that I did NOT have a little freak out last week when one of my instructors said that our clinicals for 3rd semester would be on Saturday, I was almost instantly in tears and had to go to the bathroom to try to get my emotions in check. In that moment, I knew that if clinicals were going to be on Saturdays that I would have to withdrawal from the fall semester of 2024 because I refuse to miss any of Lil Miss' Senior year XC meets because it was time I knew I wasn't going to get back and I was unwilling to sacrifice her Senior year for me to further my education. Thankfully, I was able to get clarification and that 3rd semester clinicals are on Wednesdays, classes are on Thursdays and Fridays. I feel like I'm in thick of it now with being in this program BUT, I will 100% put it ON HOLD for my kiddos because at the end of the day, time is a thief and the experiences that they are going through right now we can't get back.
It is such strange and unique time to be in with our kiddos because I'm in college while my older two kiddos are getting ready to embrace that journey for the first time. I'm trying to balance being a college student while helping them navigate and research their paths towards college life with little to no responsibilities other than just school. Bubba graduates in June, and trying to help navigate this next step is been way more challenging because we don't really have any direction in how to help or guide him. I mean I have already reached out to where he has been accepted to start the process of various services that he is eligible for but, we have still various meetings with his current school that we have to do as well as various meetings that we (including him) will have to have before he starts school in August. Whereas, Lil miss still has her Senior year high school, she has decided that she no longer wants to go into nursing (which definitely made me sad and heartbroken) but, wants to pursued criminal justice (focus on being children).
So, this journey for the next year should prove to be interesting because we are going help Bubba navigate his first year of college as well as help navigate Lil miss navigate her last year of high school while trying to find a college that will her pursed her career path into criminal justice while we still work full time and I go to school full time.
I will say that May 2025 can't come soon enough because I want to be done and graduated my RN school, I want to slow time down just enough because I want Lil miss to enjoy each single second of her Senior year because she won't ever to be able to get that time back.