Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Approaching my 2 year mark of being a nurse

I'm quickly approaching my 2-year mark of becoming a nurse And I'm constantly questioning why haven't I push myself to go further and get my RN.  Especially, when I'm told that I think and act like RN in my documentation (much thanks to my instructors in school).  Yet, I treat my NAs/CNAs as if they are my backbone and trust their instincts because I once in their shoes and I was fortunate enough to have a couple of LPNs that trusted my instincts as well as push me to go further.  I love being LPN and I love working with Veterans BUT, the biggest draw back with being LPN in the VA is that LPNs aren't used to their full scope of practice.  For now, I will continue to care for the Veterans that service our country and continue to try to push those at be to make VA start using the LPNs to their full scope of practice. 

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