Monday, May 22, 2023

The next chapter

 For a few weeks ago I posted about the fact that I was accepted into the flcc are in program traditional route because of the fact that you know I failed the fundamentals challenge exam which bothered me quite a bit I will be going through their traditional program.

I also will be continuing to work as a full-time contract LPN hopefully through the entire program at strong and working overnights on the flex team because it is giving me amazing opportunities and experience that I probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

But unfortunately I am resigning my position as an LPN at the VA because I refuse to be part-time and they don't want to have me work per diem, which hurts my heart in the aspect that I love the veterans that I take care of and I can't do that anymore because I refuse to work in a facility that will mandate me at will and will schedule me at will.

I let my anxiety get the best of me in the last couple weeks because Bubba is going to be going into senior year and a little Miss is going into her junior year and a little freaked out about the fact of going back to school with them being at the tail end of their High School experiences and wanting to enjoy every minute of that but also wanting to be able to provide a better life for them in the long run.  

But as always Bill has been my rock has been my steady mark, giving me Grace and understanding and knowing that while I'm afraid I will press on that most people crumble under the conditions that we put ourselves in yet we thrive on it.

So here's to the next two years of craziness of having two kids graduate from high school and hopefully me graduating from college for the second time while dealing with sports and other life events, hold on here we go.

To my girl on not making the sectionals cut

 To my baby girl my little miss my sweet pea, program for sectional come out tonight and know that you didn't make it this year is heartbreaking and knowing that you've been training through injury after injury after injury and knowing that you are trying your best but you didn't make the cut I'm so proud of you there's so many ways you have way more gumption and drive then I definitely had at your age. And while you didn't make sectionals this year you've had so many PRs this season and whatnot I am so proud of you because you keep pushing even when you didn't want to you kept pushing and that's what truly matters.

I'm truly amazed by the fact that you like the 3,000 m because "just no" that running 7 and 1/2 laps around track not my cup of tea but yeah you do it and you love it.  

Now this time for you to rest for a little bit and that's a good thing because your body needs and in a few weeks start training for cross country and hopefully you'll be my 5K time because that's what I want for you to be able to own it and surpass my time because you are amazing.

So on Saturday we will go to Sectionals to see and support your friends and teammates that made the cut and hope and train for next year, every way I'm proud of you and all of your accomplishments this year.