Saturday, March 20, 2021

weight struggle

 A year + into the pandemic as a nurse, I have started to battle with my weight, which is something that I never I had to deal pre-healthcare because I was always able to maintain easily.  Last year at this year, I started for my 1st half Ironman which got deferred to July 2021, which meant that I wasn't going to meet my goal (do an Ironman/half Ironman before 40 yrs old)  but ok.  I started putting on weight because I lost focus on racing because there wasn't to really for being we were in middle of pandemic and I'm a nurse so, work was my life essential about work and keeping my family safe.  As January 1st, I stepped on scale I was 186 lbs, which what I was gave birth to lil man, which made me so sad and frustrated with myself because I allowed myself to get to this point.  I'm not one for New Year's resolutions but, I decided that I needed to be back to what it is a healthy "racing"/"comfortable" weight (i.e. between 155 - 165 lbs).   As of today March 20, 2021 I have lost 15 lbs through working at least 3-4 times a week as well as going back to eating smaller meal more often.   I'm still have about 11 lbs to go but, knowing that I'm going into full training mode, I don't foresee that one being a problem.   I never thought, I would be in a place where I would be considered overweight so, I'm very humble to be in the position that I'm fighting back to get to back a "fitness" or "normal" weight.  While I know that I don't look overweight, just know that I am and I am working at it everyday.

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