Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Processed Sugar Challenged

At the beginning of April I decided that I wanted to see if changing my (processed) sugar intake really change my running, my overall measurements, and how I felt.  I started where I was attempting to keep my over sugar intake to 70g a day (first week), then starting the second week I went down 50g a day, which is where I have kept. After 21 days this is what the change was:

I haven't had much change in my arms or legs but, core/hips has decreased quite a bit.  Granted it hasn't been easy and last night I almost blew because I wanted to buy clearance Easter candy but, Bill reminder how hard I have worked to here and was it really worth undoing all of that work.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My 23 miler

I did my longest run to date this morning, it was amazingly surreal and peacefully.  The first 2 miles was a lot of hill work and thinking that maybe I planned my route poorly but, around 3 miles or so, I finally found my groove/my comfort pace.  Around 6.5 miles I was on county road 18 and hit some head wind and really hoping that it wasn't going to last, which is lasted until I hit 7 miles.  I started tweeting when I had 12.5 miles to go to let Bill and my other running friends know.  I was feeling amazing 13.1 and looked at my Garmin and was 2:02:16, which was only 16 seconds my PR record for half marathon that I did last fall.  About 16 miles I was heading into downtown Canandaigua and realize that I was still feeling pretty awesome.  I was on South Pearl Street in Canandaigua 18 miles and starting to feel tired but too bad.  I hit 19 miles on Outhouse Road in Canandaigua and started to feel emotional because it I was the first in my life that I ever run that in my life and I was proud of myself and thankful that I was able to do it.  At 20 miles that little voice in my head kept saying, "you know you are tired and you can quit now, there is no shame it."  I was able to kind of quite the voice by tweeting that I only had a 5K left.  Then at 22 miles, I hit that "the wall" and my head was roaring at me saying, "well you know it if you go this you would be done at your Nana's house, just that because this it isn't worth it."  At that I pretty much told my head, "shut hell up, it is only a mile and I got this! You are brave, you are worth it, just finish."  I finally got in front of my Nana/Papa's house and I realize that I miscalculated my .10 miles so, I run down to almost Mohawk Street and back to get the full 23 miles.  I got inside and my calves and feet hurt but the rest of me was just happy to finished.  My Nana insisted that I needed to eat but, I didn't want to eat, insisted that I needed to drink something that had sugar in it but, I really didn't want it.  I did end up drinking 8 oz of cranberry juice and it really did hit the spot, we chilled at my Nana and Papa's house for couple of hours.