Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Halfway through week #1

Half way through week #1 of homeschooling and I have learned that MacKenna doesn't like social studies or at least the current topic (we are currently learning about the Mayans). She loves art, is a whiz at math, is interested in science, and definitely thinks outside the box.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Our first day of home school

Day 1, Second Quarter (Jan. 6th):
  • From 8 - 9:30 am ELA domain 5.1A listening and learning “The Maya: A Harvest & Hurricane”
    • Discussed the vocabulary words
      • Hurricane, Harvest, Maize, Canoe, Shore
    • Looked at image of:
      • Hurricanes (from space and ground)
      • Maize
      • Canoes
      • Shorelines
  • From 9:30 - 10 am ELA domain 5.2A listening and learning “The Maya: Journey to Baakal”
    • Discussed the vocabulary words
      • Noiselessly, Plain, Temple, Thrilled
    • Completed about 60% of the domain before stopping due to MacKenna inability to remain focus
    • Broke at 10 am instead of going until 10:30 am due to MacKenna having a tantrum
  • From 10:30 - 11:00 am Watched 30 minute video on the Mayans and some history of Aztec
  • From 11:00 - 11:10 am Colored for 10 minutes
  • From 11:10 - 11:30 am Cleaned-up the dining room(classroom) and living room for lunch
  • From 11:30 - 12:30 pm Lunch
  • From 12:30 - 1:00 pm Free time/break time, MacKenna choose to color and draw
  • From  1:00  - 3:30 pm Spelling, grammar, reading, writing
  • From  3:30  - 4:00 pm Played a counting game with her brother

total time: 6.5 hours with an hour break

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Preparing to Homeschool

As of January 6th, MacKenna will be homeschool until we decide that going back to public school necessary.  It wasn't a decision that we lightly because NY state has a lot rules and regulations dealing with homeschooling.  We did involve MacKenna in the decision to do it because we didn't want her to feel like we were just making choices about her education without her.  So, for the last month I have been collecting/buying curriculum, workbooks, supplies to start this coming Monday.  Our dining room has turned into a classroom.
I have several workbooks for her to do busy work/practice work from.  I have downloaded the Common Core Curriculum as we will be following parts of it as to stay on the same that she was on for school so if/when she goes back she will have the same knowledge as her classmates.

2013 review

January, February, March -  were typically months with the exception of celebrating William's Birthday in February and my Birthday was in March but, I don't typically celebrate mine. 

April - Bill and I ran our first 5K of 2013, I PR'ed my time and we both did well overall.

May - William was evaluated by a behavioral developmental pedi and was Dx with Mood Disorder NOS as well as Asperger's.

June - Scott turned 3! MacKenna graduated from Kindergarten

July - Bill and I celebrated our 10 year Wedding Anniversary, we ran another 5K together, I ran my first half marathon, Bill ran another 5K.

August - wasn't quiet until the end of the month when William had a manic episode that last for 4 days, it was very scary to watch and knowing that there was little that we could do about it.  We ran 12K race as well.

September - William had a re-evaluated and was re-classified as Bi-polar disorder with Asperger's.  We ran a marathon relay, which was interesting.  The kids started school.

October - MacKenna turned 6!  I ran my second half marathon and PR'ed by 14 minutes, which was awesome!  Bill and I got to hang out with my some of my college team mates, which was fun.

November - I started a spiritual journey/renewal, realize that there things that I needed/wanted to change. We celebrated Thanksgiving by doing a family walk in Troy with my SIL, FIL, BIL, and their foster child, it was cool.  MacKenna told me after we finished that she thought she was ready for a 5K now.

December - Bill's Birthday but, we didn't celebrate it because we don't celebrate adult Birthdays in our house.  December was kind of crazy in getting for Christmas and dealing with business as well as making the decision to start homeschooling MacKenna, which I'm still very nervous but excited about.