Monday, January 6, 2020

Almost 6 months in

Almost 6 months into being a LPN, I have learned that I true calling was always to nursing but, I keep questioning where my place in nursing is though? When I was a CTRS I worked with troubled teens and developmental disabilities/physical disabilities, I enjoyed that population.  While I was in nursing school, I worked on Med-Surg floor, I enjoyed having "a basket of everything" but, it always short term.  I was able to do a couple of days in the ED setting while in nursing school and I absolutely loved being on the move every second of clinical day.  I have been working as LPN on transitional care unit since September and I love doing what I do as a nurse but, I question everyday if this where my calling/passion is supposed to be.  I never envisioned myself behind a med chart, counting narcs, dealing with dementia patients, and insubordinate  CNAs who have no respect those above them.  I feel like I'm still trying to find my place and feel like I don't know where my place should be because I enjoy med-surg, transitional care, developmental disable, hospice, and ED.  I have learned that I'm truly a night nurse because being on days for any length of time I'm not a happy person, which works for our family in that our older two kidos are in sports and extracurricular activities.  I know that for our family  that being night nurse is what needed because any other position doesn't work.  I guess where do I go from here?  I know most hospital don't hire LPNs, so continue to get my RN in order to be in hospital/acute setting or settle where I'm at and just keep hoping things will change?