Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A new journey

A few weeks ago, I decided to take a step back kind of reviews things in my life as far as relationships, the past, where I am now as a person, and where I wanted to go.  And I kind of realize that I didn't like some things that saw.  I finally after almost 6 years I realize/accepted why it still hurts so much that my mother in law passed and it is because she always treated like a daughter and I didn't like it at the time but, I do truly miss it now.  I have accepted that I can't change past and moving forward I understand that I have forgiven for it, which has brought me peace that I have known in quite some time.  I'm learning to accept that there is a plan for me and our family, granted it maybe not the plan that I thought it was going to be or even the one I had set for myself or us as a family but, it is slowly be shown to us.  I'm learning that is ok for me to be spiritual person and reading Bible verses to our children isn't a bad thing because there are lessons that they can learn from there.  Just because I'm starting this "spiritual" journey and I'm reflecting on things doesn't mean I expect others to understand or accept the changes I'm making whole hardheartedly in that I understand and accept that some people will not understand it.  I'm just happy and at peace to be where I am right now and I love the fact that I have understanding and loving husband that is willing to stand by me while on I'm taking this "spiritual" journey.