Monday, May 13, 2013

12 -week Half Marathon Training Program

I found this training plan for beginner/intermediate runner (basically if you are running between 15 - 30 miles a week and have been running between 6 months to 1 yr).   I love the fact the long runs are on the weekends and only 3 runs on the weekdays.  I'm already in week 3 of this training plan and I'm loving it.  My biggest suggestion is have a goal time for the race because it makes it easier to figure out tempo runs, interval runs, easy/long runs.

Half Marathon
training plan    Monday    Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Saturday    Sunday
1                       Rest          3 mi           3 mi/CT           rest           3 mi        3 mi          4 mi
2                       rest           3 mi           4 mi/CT           rest           3 mi        3 mi          4 mi
3                       rest           3 mi           4 mi/CT           rest           3 mi        3 mi          5 mi
4                       rest           3 mi           5 mi/CT           rest           3 mi        4 mi          6 mi
5                       rest           4 mi           5 mi /CT          rest           4 mi        3 mi          7 mi
6                       rest           4 mi           4 mi/CT           rest           4 mi        4 mi          8 mi
7                       rest           4 mi           6 mi/CT           rest           4 mi        4 mi          9 mi
8                       rest           4 mi           6 mi/CT           rest           4 mi        4 mi        10 mi
9                       rest           4 mi           6 mi/CT           rest           4 mi        3 mi        11 mi
10                     rest           4 mi           5 mi/CT           rest           4 mi        4 mi        12 mi
11                     rest           4 mi           5 mi/CT           rest           4 mi        3 mi          6 mi
12                     rest           3 mi          5 mi/CT           Rest          2 mi**    Race Day   
**the 2 mi run before the race day should be very EASY basically a brisk walk or very light jog.
Tuesdays for me are tempo runs
Wednesdays/Saturdays for me are easier runs than tempo run but harder than long runs
Fridays for me are interval runs
Sundays for me are easy/long runs